HOOPr: The app that changes the game!

Aye Pee
January 7, 2022

HOOPr: The App That Changes the Game  

COVID-19 forced the basketball community to rethink basketball training and coaching for the foreseeable future.  While some of us were able to pivot to virtual training sessions and webinars for team meetings, we all faced the same questions:  

  • What platform should we use? facetime, social media, YouTube channels, mobile apps, Zoom, etc.?  
  • How do we get all our clients/players on board with virtual training?  
  • How do we recruit new prospects to our training programs/teams?  
  • Whats the best way to promote my training without using a tik-tok dance?  
  • Why isn’t there a basketball app for athletes, skills trainers, and coaches instead separate apps for each?  

All valid questions.  With that said, I’d like to introduce you to HOOPr!  A mobile platform where the basketball community can come together to share drills, workouts, and network.  

Athletes: Looking for ways to improve your game?  Browse a catalog of drills posted by HOOPrs like yourself and create a custom workout.  

Skills Trainers:  Share how your drills make players better than the competition.  Join or create a Team with other trainers and stay up to date on the latest trends.  

Coaches:  No need to worry about what your players are working on during down time.  You can share customized workouts with skills you want your team to improve on.  If your team struggles with shooting, you can create a workout of shooting drills and share with your team.  

So how has HOOPr changed the game?  We’re breaking the glass that separates one basketball app from another and providing one platform for all. Training, coaching, and networking all in a single app dedicated to the basketball community! 

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